Different Forms of Berry ACAI

Not known to people in general commonly, berry ACAI is a major native of Brazilian diet for centuries. In Brazil, berry ACAI is serves traditionally with honey and tapioca and is also a common ice cream flavor loved by all. Once you are out of Brazil it will become next to impossible for you to find fresh ACAI berry as it has very short shelf life. Because of this reason, berry ACAI is available outside Brazil in dried or frozen form to increase its shelf life. You can also buy ACAI berry juice, pulp, drink mixes and even yogurts if you wish to explore its taste in different forms.


For regular or frequent use, you can buy beery ACAI in the form of frozen and dried supplement, which is easy to include in daily diet. However, one of the best ways to get the maximum nutritional benefits of ACAI is to either eat it fresh or buy ACAI berry juice for regular consumption. However, buying ACAI berry juice can sometimes cost you too much as it costs around USD 50 per bottle if bought from a premium organic shop. If you are not willing to burn that hole in your pocket, then regular ACAI berry supplements are your best bet. Invest on your health with ACAI berry supplements.

The Magic of ACAI Berry and the Benefits of ACAI Juice

Good health is undoubtedly a gift given by God, and sometimes berries makes health of a person better, Acai is one such berry that is filled with antioxidants, nutrition etc., Bomba company play the role of messengers and deliver us with this berry.

The organic acai berry is collected from various places and is made available to people for consumption, there are a lot of benefits of consuming acai berry juice like improvement in the cardiovascular health, and it also not only stimulates weight loss but helps to maintain a healthy weight.The antioxidant properties of acai berries also helps the skin by relieving irritation and redness and moisturize the skin and helps to keep it healthy and glowing, Acai is a wonderful source of vitamin C, which is a well-known immunity booster and can generally improve your ability to fight off many diseases, including cancer. Acai berries are also known as aphrodisiac. It can also benefit healthy cellular metabolism and functioning. It reduces the chances of unhealthy apoptosis and increases the efficiency of the cell’s absorption of nutrients and the subsequent translation into useful energy.

We at Bomba ACAI provide you authentic ACAI that you can add to your wellness regime. We’ve been able to make a wide base of clients only because of the goodwill that our product has garnered over the years. Try it and you will definitely want more!